Monday, 27 April 2009

Pushing Ahead

I'm sorting through boxes of photographs. Some I will sell in the shop. Some I would like to use in artwork and these I just have to keep for myself!

Isn't she wonderful?

Another hand coloured beauty!

Don't you just love this "paper moon" and stars background? The photographer used it more than once as I have other photos of different people sitting, standing or leaning on the moon.

I collected a lot of these photos when I was making collage shadowboxes. I started making the shadowboxes when my nana passed away. My sister had been particularly close to her and in cleaning out some of nana's things, I found some cute "little kid" notes my sis had written. I decided to make a tribute box for my sis of things that were Nana. I included a photo of my nana as a young woman (above), the note, an embroidered monogramed hanky, jewelry bits. It was so fun and I got such a positive response, I started making them for all my friends. I tried to find old photos that looked like my friends and then include things they were interested in.

I think I made one with a photo that looked like my cousin Diana, and tried to sell it. A shop took it and then never paid me and finally after a lot of effort on my part, sent it back, a little shop worn. Sadly I just gave up making them after that. It's funny to realize I was way ahead of the times with my altered art and collages. But sad to realize how sometimes I just get stopped.

Do things happen and you stop doing a certain project or making a certain thing or pursuing some goal? What stops you? What gets you back on track?


The Whispering Poppies said...

You have an amazing stash of photographs! The second one in your post is of a British actress, isn't it? I've forgotten her name, but I have several postcards of her as well! =) I think you should create shadowboxes once again!

What stopped me from creating? Four children! lol I started a watercolor painting when my oldest was a baby; baby #2 followed on his heels and the watercolor remains unfinished. Crafting projects filled the time-gaps when the children started getting a little older; perhaps when the youngest starts school this fall, I'll have time to paint once again (OR... I'll end up working nearly fulltime at a certain family shop down the street from you, more likely)! =)

Natasha Burns said...

What wonderful photos you have! They really are gorgeous.

I find that I come up with an idea, and get all the bits and pieces i need to make it, then something else comes up and I forget about it completely, or it goes on the backburner. Then it stays there for too long and I get over the idea completely, because it feels old. If I had have worked on it straight away, it might not have become that way :)

SharDon Exclusives said...

WOW! I love EACH picture and would love love love to see that shadow box! I found that when I finally had a room dedicated to just creating I keep myself too busy now. I used to china paint, put that up when I had to sell my kiln...(I want one so bad) but then I would have to take time away from my jewelry making & blogging...what to do? I found your blog just recently and come back each time you blog. Thank you for sharing with us your enthusiasum! sharon

Anonymous said...

What fabulous pix! What fun to use these in your creative new shop!

I am an idea person...way too many to accomplish all in one day! THat is one of my biggest barriers, along with realistic expectations of my self.

Be good to yourself with your adventures ahead!

Best to you,
Debbykay at Rose Cottage Gardens and Farm

Debbies-English-Treasures said...

Just thought to wish you GOOD LUCK with your shop!
I`m certain that it will be a HUGE TRIUMPH!
Debbie Moss

Stephenie said...

Those photos are just amazing!!! Each one is just stunning...I really love old photographs...I've been on a baby kick lately...