Friday 28 August 2009

New York, New York

I had a fabulous time in Manhattan last week. My friend, Amy R. and I met up at her mother's apartment for a few days. The timing was perfect, it was the week she could go and the week of the New York Gift Show.

Almost 20 years ago, when I was part of a gift/antiques shop cooperative, I used to go the the California Gift Show every 6 months. I would buy things for my shop space and also for myself. Back then, Beckman's Handcraft was a show-within-a-show, with wonderful handcrafted items and supplies. I used to decorate all sorts of things with dried and silk flowers so it was fun both to buy and get ideas! One of the vendors was Elaine Seamans for At-Choo. She made these wonderful pins which I sold in the shop, but also kept one for myself.

Imagine my delight to find her at the New York gift show! I had just gone through my files and found her old catalog. Amy and I were walking down the aisle and discovered this amazing image:

Two beautiful black-clad goth girls standing in Elaine's almost all white booth!

They were all kind enough to let me take their photo. After they had conducted their business, I reintroduced myself to Elaine, who is on the right in the photo. We talked and caught up. Her handmade items continue to be beautiful. Her online shop has items from a year ago, but you can always request a current catalog.

On the way to the gift show the second day I made a detour here:

Tinsel Trading Company!
I discovered them at the Vintage Textile and Fashion Show at the beginning of Brimfield, where Marcia Ceppos, the owner, had a booth. I knew the store would be a treasure trove of fabulous ribbon and trim. And it was! I was able to get a few things to use in my Silver Bella swaps.

I had already been to Tinsel Trading's booth at the gift show. It really was the only booth I knew I wanted to visit. As it turned out, Wendy Addison has designed a line of glittery treasures for Tinsel Trading. Her Theatre of Dreams seems such a magical place. I hope to visit it one of these days!

Wendy & me.

When I walked into the booth, there she was. It was such a delight to meet her! I tried not to gush, but I'm not sure I was successful. Even now when I write this I get this silly grin on my face thinking of meeting her. She is really sweet and friendly and I felt very welcome.

I was also able to place an order and am looking forward to getting a box full of glittery stars and wands and ornaments to shine in my shop.

Manhattan is a fabulous place. I love to walk there. My walk back from the Javits Center took me to The HighLine, New York's first elevated park.

What used to be a crumbling elevated railroad trestle is now a green walking park.

This was my view from the park.


Hydrangea and Cone Flower, I think.

I love the juxtaposition of the flowers, fence and unique architecture.
Out of camera range was a canoodling couple.

And now from the sublime to the ridiculous.
Instead of taking the train from Boston to NY and back, I took the Fung Wah bus. It is a very cheap alternative that goes between Chinatowns in a number of cities.

The bus trips were uneventful. The emergency exit was not needed. But oh so cool that it's posted in both English and Chinese.

Enjoy your weekend, whatever language it is in.


Susan said...

One year I ordered little At-Choo bottles for everyone on my Christmas list. I also have one of her silver bubble wands and Sugarplum has a sweet bangle. Love her!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

My favorite shop in NYC - Tinsel Trading! I was there this past April and was ready to set up a cot in the back so I could stay overnight! lol

Elyse said...

what a wonderful post! i really GASPed out loud (GOL?) when i saw you with wendy addison at tinsel trading. oh, i have to go there sometime soon. sometimes i imagine coordinate an east coast blogger day and we would all meet there and shop!

thanks for the wonderful post and for sharing cool memories on your recent comment!
