Wednesday 9 September 2009

Working on the Garden

It's the end of summer and we're busy with garden projects!
About time!

Last summer my son and I put in this garden. I chose plants that had meaning to me: shasta daisies like my Nana's garden; penstimon, which also grows in the Sierra to remember my friend Nina; iris, which I learned to love in my grandma's garden; flowering plants mostly in pinks & plums. My son suggested "autumn fire" sedum (above) and "dorothy wycoft" andromeda. We also grew lettuce, beets, green beans, and kick-butt yellow bell peppers.

This is the front garden gone wild!
When my son left for Yosemite in April, my heart went out of the garden. I let it go, didn't weed, didn't plant the vegetables, didn't sit out there and enjoy.

Lucky for me, my son is back home for a while and working on the garden. This is his project before he returns to the Sierra Nevada foothills.
A path to the front porch.

My son has been very clever getting us bricks for the path. He worked at a garden center in exchange for about 400 new bricks. He negotiated a good price for a pile of used bricks at a local recycling center. Even he didn't realize the pile held more than 700 bricks. With all these extra bricks we're gonna make a patio between our parking spots and the door.

I've started weeding and cutting back on the catmint which was taking over. I think I can salvage my Hidcote Lavender and I have plans to transplant some of the taller plants closer to the house.

It's' nice to be back working in the garden. And it's nice to be working on a garden project with my son again.


Lori said... are showing up in my reader now:)

looks like we have the same gardener...LOL...i kind of lost interest in my gardens last year...i had an invasion of clover and grass into my flower beds and just couldn't keep up with getting rid of year i am going to tackle the weeds and get those beds under control...

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

What a wonderful way to spend time with your son! And what a great guy he is for procuring those bricks for you - it will make the pathway that much more special!

Elyse said...

wow, your son sounds amazing and how wonderful to have these shared times in the garden. inspiring!

[keep me posted if you find any jpegs you like. in the meantime, the image i sent to you is ready to use even temporarily. keep me posted. :) ]

looks like lots o' rain for the garden this weekend.
