Thursday 15 October 2009

The Road to Silver Bella

I am going to Silver Bella for the first time this year.
It's just so exciting, I can hardly stand it!

I started blogging last November, after seeing some amazing photographs in Artful Blogging magazine. Some of the featured blogs caught my imagination. I discovered Silver Bella 2008 from reading Heather, and Natasha's blogs. From there I discovered a whole slew of wonderful blogs and wonderful women. On my way to Silver Bella 2009 I am going to get to meet these lovely ladies: Lori, Mary, Beth and Karla. This is such a treat for me!

I feel really, really blessed. My daily life is richer because of the creative women whose blogs I visit, who visit my blog, who comment, who write such inspiring words and take such beautiful pictures that I am often in awe. I have discovered women who live near me and women who live on the other side of the globe. It is an amazing community and has probably been the biggest push in getting my antique shop open after years of saying I wanted to.

I am a terrible (or maybe I should say very good) procrastinator, so it feels like this is all last minute. But today I started in earnest. I made these button tags about 6 months ago. I always planned to sell them in a set of 4, but I only made 3. I do not know why I get 3/4 of the way into a project and then go off on another tangent. Today I finished the last pink one and made a complete set in turquoise. It was fun!

Last week when I was avoiding getting ready, I popped into a local antique mall. Mostly I go because one of the booths is fabulous! The packages of vintage paper and embellishments above are from her booth. I got to talking to the woman at the sales desk. I found out she is the owner of the booth I love so much. She found out I'm going to Silver Bella. Both of us were thrilled and I'm looking forward to spending more time with her.

I collected a whole bunch of cool things from the shop to put on my table at Vendor Night. -- vintage sewing items, millinery flowers, knitting books with great graphics & fun patterns too, monogrammed linens, etc.

I still need to put together vintage paper packets.

My newest Mini-Moo cards came last week.

A promotion tempted me to try something new. These are from photographs I took. The far right one is made up of things that have special meaning to me: a Shelley tea cup and a Whiting & Davis purse -- both from my mom; a reminder ("wish"), lace, buttons, millinery flowers, a compass to help me find my way and the pearls given to me by my husband when our daughter was born.

The cards are little, 1"x 2 3/4," and so much fun to share, specially cuz I designed them and the pictures and graphics mean something to me.


Lori said...

Marilee, your table looks so pretty...i love the little basket down in front with the pink lining full of all the beautiful laces...the shutter is very pretty too, great color...and perfect for hanging those pearls on...your button tags are really sweet, cute idea...and your paper packs are going to be awesome!!! LOVE your moo cards!!!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Oh Marilee, I'm so happy for you that you're able to attend Silver Bella! I'll be there in spirit - WISHING I was there! lol Take LOTS of photos!

Your button cards are GORGEOUS!!! I keep hoping to get into your shop before you leave - I've been working for hubby and helping with volunteer work at school (IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY NO LESS - what a little twist of fate, eh?)!

Rose Brier Studio said...

Louise, Call me. The open sign is down while I get ready for SB, but I'm over here every day and would love to show you around.

The library is such a fun place to volunteer. That's where I started. Of course I ended up PTA president and it became a full time (non-paying) job, but I loved every minute (well almost every one) and wouldn't trade the experience or the friends for anything!

Elyse said...

hi marilee!

what a lovely post. silver bella is going to be so amazing. i won't be going this year but maybe next.

i will be visiting the cape though! my sister and i are staying overnight the weekend after next. we'll be sure to stop by! any shopping/eating recommendations?

have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Wow Marilee, your booth at Silver Bella is going to be sooo scrumptious. I'm so sad I can't go :(, I'd be buying up those button cards faster than the speed of light! Your mini-moos are beautiful too. I ordered some of those once and they all seemed so grayish or darker than the originals, I don't know what happened. Anyway, have a wonderful time at the bella extravaganza my friend-


A Fanciful Life said...

Hello Marilee,
I'm going to Silver Bella for the first time too and am beyond excited! Your items look wonderful. I will be sure to stop by your booth at vendor night and oooh and ahhhh over your goods!
Sharon :-)

Natasha Burns said...

I hope you have an amazing time at Silver Bella Marilee! I'll be thinking of you! Wish you were there last year, or rather, that I was there again this year!!! You're going to love meeting those ladies!!!

Michele Dunn said...

Hi Marilee! How fun was it to meet each other? The very minute I get a day off (next Monday I hope!) and it' convenient for you (next Monday I hope!)I'm heading over to visit you and your beautiful shop! Thanks for showing some of my goodies - I am always so happy when I know the "babies" are going to a good home.
I'll give you a call this weekend.
Michele (Harwich Antiques Center/Cape House Studio)

Rose Brier Studio said...

Michele, I look forward to hanging out with you.

sharon said...

Hi Marilee,
It was so nice hearing from you. You are so lucky that you're going to Silver Bella. You'll have a blast. I went two years ago and it was so much fun. Can't wait to meet you this summer on the Cape.

Jodie LeJeune said...

Oh Marilee, you better save a moo card for me!!!
I can't wait to meet you at Silver Bella, you are going to have so much fun!
I love all of your goodies and I'm counting down the HOURS until Vendor night!!!!

everything vintage

Country Cottage Chic said...

It all looks so lovely. The Moo cards are very nice too!
