Wednesday, 18 August 2010

A Day in Boston

August 3, 2010
I visited the Public Garden with my friends Kathleen & Maria.
My new banner photo is from this visit.

Kathleen & I meet & became friends in junior high school. We stayed friends in high school, lost track after graduation, then found each of each other again at our 20th high school reunion.

Kathleen & Maria include me when they visit Boston.
We have visited places new to me and
I love taking them to my old haunts!

We wandered all around the Boston Public Library:
The Rare Books Room, John Singer Sargent Gallery, Chavannes Gallery, the old card catalog room -- where I used to work, etc.
Click Here for a brief walking tour of America's first public library.

We then wandered over to The Christian Science Church Center.

Amazing architectural details.

We toured the church buildings.

We went to the Mapparium.
It's a globe of the world circa 1935. Made of glass, and back-lit,
you walk in as if you are inside the world. It is sooo cool.
If you're ever in Boston, it is such a fun thing to see.
The acoustics are so unique, students at
Berklee College of Music (just down the street)
visit it as part of their Physics of Sound course!
Sorry, you can't take photos inside.


Elyse said...

hi marilee,

what cool places. i don't think i have visited any of them on trips to boston. thanks for sharing -- i'll be sure to add them to my next list of things to do around boston.


Pearl Maple said...

Ohhh a big day out at some of my favorite places that Christian Science Center is an amazing old building and you know with all my world tavels have never seen anything like their mapparium