Friday 7 January 2011

The University of California, Berkeley


The first day of my winter trip.  Little did I know California would really feel like Winter!  Honestly, it's in the 40's in the Bay Area, not a usual thing.  Wish I had brought more turtleneck sweaters!

That said, there were more than a few of these blooms on a tree at the entrance to Cal, the University of California, Berkley

A stream on campus.

 All the rain has made these streams lush.

 A perfect place for playing "Pooh Sticks."

Even college students need children's games.

 It should be no surprise I was drawn to the library.
Also, I needed to recharge my camera battery and I knew they would have plugs and lovely places to sit & read!

Indoor staircases.

Periodical Reading Room.

Amazing Ceiling!
This one is in the Periodicals Room.

 North Reading Room

North Reading Room.
Reference Stacks.
I feel so at home!

 Couches, waiting for students to return and sit on them!

After I left the library I wandered back to town, marveling at the architecture of this magnificient campus. I was not a student here.  During my freshman college year, I visited a high school friend who was.  As vibrant and beautiful as it was, I knew I needed a much smaller campus with many less students to enjoy college!  

Artsy shot of the Clocktower.
I love these trees!

This building is across from the Library entrance.

Close-up of above building.

 Classical Architecture.

 Do you like the botanical (tree) framing the building's name?

A beautiful modern building.

Just outside campus, a Mission-style church.

Thanks for hanging in til the end of these photos.  There was so much to see and photograph, and it was so beautiful!  California will always feel like home.  I had a wonderful day!


Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Have a fabulous time! I'm not surprised you found your way to that beautiful library!

Magnolias blooming there... already??? WOW!

Char said...

The campus is just beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Rose Brier Studio said...

Louise, I think they never stopped blooming! I'm surprised the cold hasn't gotten to them.

Char, It was so nice to discover this beauty.