Wednesday 18 May 2011

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

 Come along with me as I take a long walk with lots of photos!
They're pretty.
Are they comfortable enough for my trip next month, where I will be walking many miles?

I headed out my back door, down a country lane to see. . .

. . . both whether the shoes would work, and the pretty scenery.

Grape Hyacinth by a stone wall.
up close

Ferns just sprouting.

The road towards the beach.

A fern faerie circle.
Ferns in the sun, bursting open.

Across the road where we used to summer.

This would make a lovely cranberry bog, if any cranberries were planted!

Cute cottages near the beach.

a close-up of a quanzon cherry in flower.

Finally, my shoes and I arrive at the beach.

The storms last winter took out so much of the parking lot it has been closed to cars.

But the beach is as beautiful as ever!

 The creek guarantees there is always water, even at low tide.

It's loads of fun to ride a raft or rubber boat out as the tide recedes or in when the water almost covers these rocks!

This looks so peaceful doesn't it?
We were having wind advisories and the wind was whipping around pretty fiercely!

I headed down the beach testing my ATS
(all terrain shoes/sandals).

I have no idea what a Skate looks like, 
but this is what they leave behind.

 Another beach
With the other parking lot washed out, will people discover this one?
 Another beach

Back on the road home

 They may be evergreen, but they too put out new growth/pinecones in the Spring.

Almost home

My favorite foot covering.

And I'm gonna have to find a different pair of sandals for the trip.


Natasha Burns said...

What beautiful scenery!
Sorry the pretty shoes didn't work. Maybe you need to get some ugly ones, sadly :(

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Familiar scenery, my friend! ;) Gorgeous photos - love the cherry blossoms!

We went on a school trip to the CCMNH yesterday... they had baby skates in the tidal pool. They look like mini stingrays (they are in the same family). ;)

Elyse said...

hi marilee!

my apologies for being such an absent bloggy friend.

blogging time can be very catch as catch can and i don't always get to all of my favorites but i'm glad i popped over today to see your beautiful photos. how serene. gosh, the busy season is just about to kick off in the cape, isn't it?

i hope all is well!


Jessica at Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! said...

Beautiful pictures! So glad to have found your blog. :)
I'm off to find a follow button!

Kent Homchick said...

the Brewster general store looks inviting as a throw back to the days of when general stores were a center of the community to gather. As a set designer, I am sure I would enjoy a turn around the store. Many happy walks in the future, with or without sandals.