Friday, 27 September 2013

Satuday Flea Markets and a Little Pink

I am posting this as part of Pink Saturday.  And while the pink in this post is scattered about, there certainly are a lot of Saturdays!  To see who else is posting for Pink Saturday, go here.  And as always, many thanks to Bev for her support of this lovely group!
Dear readers, would you please let me know, in the comment section, what you think of the size of the photos.   It's ok on my computer screen, but what about yours?  Thanks for the help!

I have always loved attending flea markets.  And until 3 summers ago, I was there to buy.  But starting in 2011, I set up with my friend Amy and tried selling at flea markets.  To be honest, selling is not as much fun as buying.  It requires tables and tents and boxes of stuff and getting up at 5 am and worrying about the weather.  There is also the packing and unpacking and listening to what people think of you and your stuff.  Sometimes buyers are lovely and then sometimes. . . 
But always the other dealers are wonderful!  They are a community I am glad to be a part of!
This summer we got to be next to friends at one of the fleas and that was a lot of fun!

 Setting up with French linens.

Pink Linens

 One Venue

And another


My Booth


Amy's booth.
She curates a collection of fabulous jewelry and displays to perfection!

Button, button, who's got the button?

I have a decided weakness for buttons and love showing them off in these wonderful dishes.
Moving them around and in and out of my car does tends to spill them all sorts of places!

Washi Tape, my favorite thing to sell!

Some of my artwork

It really is fun to look at these photos and notice how much of this stuff has sold this year!
Last Saturday we did our last flea market set up.
And as always we end with a hug and the words, "Another excellent flea market adventure!"
Until next year. . . 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

A Walking Retreat

More pictures than words this post

This beautiful image is from a walking retreat I took a week and a half ago.

I recently joined a women's business group and met Helen, one of the members.  She gave out flyers at our last meeting about walking retreats she leads.  This one sounded wonderful and fit in my schedule.  So on Saturday I headed out to Nickerson State Park to "step into my dream life!"  Helen led our group of 3 women.

In the background of this photo you can see another pond, 
that's where we started, about 5 minutes apart so it was a solitary walk.

 Our journey began as we stepped onto the path.

 It was so beautiful and quiet.
Our instructions were to notice our surroundings with all our senses.

We stopped by this pond to write about what ideas and thoughts had come to us on our walk.

I've been thinking about my challenges making art this summer.

This particular walk was perfect.  The trees, plants, terrain reminded me of forest trails at summer camp, backpacking in The Sierra.  All getting me in touch with my younger self who wanted to be an artist and could see my whole life stretch ahead of me

Back on the path.
We could choose to walk alone or with the others.
I choose to walk alone.


 We stopped again at another pond for more reflection
and to write a letter to ourselves reminding us of the insights we had gained.

I think art should be as easy as breathing!
So, what stands in the way?
  I loved the discussion and am so grateful for the input of these 3 women that day!

Back on the path again,
We headed back to our trailhead and the end of the retreat.

What a perfect morning.
I walked in a beautiful setting.
The company was inspiring.
And I have been able to put into practice some of the ideas shared with me.

I can't wait for next Spring when Helen will do this again.