Saturday, 7 February 2009

Back to My Roots

When I started selling the things I made, I was working with dried flowers. I had a one year old, I loved staying home with him and he took long afternoon naps. So I decorated all sorts of things: wreaths, birdcages, wooden boxes. If flowers looked good on it and hot glue would stick to it, it was decorated. One of my favorite items were rosebud pomanders and rosebud topiaries. They were beautiful, sold well and with the addition of rose oil smelled very nice!

Recently I discovered some rosebuds like I used to use. Unfortunately they were a buggy and I had to toss them out. Knowing I didn't want to make anything that might infest a customer's home, I turned to silk flowers for my topiaries.

I use mossy twigs for the "trunks," easy enough to come by on our property. Of course, the day I went to make these we had 4" of snow, so there I was trudging thru the back garden looking for fallen branches that still had the moss and were the right shape, size, etc. I had to run them under warm water to get the ice off and then let them dry. I really need to procrastinate less!

I finished these three yesterday. They need to get to their destination by Feb 15th so I worked steadily for the last couple days. Painting the pots, adding flowers, tweaking! It was fun to put them together. I also added pearls, glittered leaves, a sweet little bird, moss. I do love the feminine pink-ness of them. I ship them off on Monday and hope they are enjoyed as much as I enjoyed making them.

This photo is a reminder that perhaps it is time to get a SLR camera or figure out how to get close-ups on my little Nikon Coolpix S1.
Camera suggestions are always welcome to my email.

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