Friday, 20 February 2009

Friday Field Trip

I have taken this field trip many times, as I love this pond. It is calm and peaceful, and in the summer a great place to swim and kayak. This is another pond whose name I don't know. This one is in Truro, Massachusetts.

This was taken from the deck of my friends' cottage. This post really should have the sounds of frogs cuz there are lots of frogs there. There's some wonderful story about my friend's father moving snakes and frogs around the local ponds.
He was a character. But that's another story!

A closer view of the pond.

Years ago, I took a similar photo and used it in a silk screen numbered series of prints. The backgrounds were different and the image was this pine branch.

This is how one of the silk screen prints turned out. Most backgrounds were pale lavendar, pinky-brown, or blue to green to indicate a horizon line. I got a little wild with this one. I just discovered it this morning. I think I planned to toss it, glad now I didn't.

I am actually planning a field trip tomorrow farther down the cape from my friend's pond. Check back in the afternoon when I post pictures of a house on the beach and the fabulous finds (I hope) from an estate sale.

~ Marilee

1 comment:

Susan said...

I had no idea you did things like that! You get more awesome every day.