Saturday 4 December 2010

Holiday Decor

As I was getting ready for my shop open house, I looked around to see what I could use to decorate.  Most everyone has things especially for the holidays -- either purchased or handed down.   But what if you don't?  I came up with some fun "everyday" items to re-purpose for holiday displays.

I also came up with different ways to use vintage decorations.  With the shop, my purpose is sales, but I thought the ideas could be used in a person's home as well.

Find books with  red or green covers.
Add decorative ribbon in a coordinating design.
Millinery flowers or greenery would also be nice.

A plaid umbrella, plaid hatbox & round hatbox with red top.
I tied a ribbon around the plaid hatbox and opened the umbrella.  
Instant holiday colors.

Whiting & Davis Mesh Evening Bags.
Think of your pretty bags, the ones you never use, what with the kids and the economy.  If your bags are not as glittery as these, tie a pretty bow around one.

Stemware with small glass ornaments.
I got these glasses at auction.
They were part of a box lot.  Most of the matched sets have sold and I have these left. Usually they look like orphans, but with red ornaments they look pretty good.  Adding red shred and a pretty ribbon would jazz them up further!

An alternative to hanging ornaments on a tree.
 The look so pretty against the big window!

The shop doesn't have space for a large tree and I wanted to display all these wonderful vintage ornaments.  I strung a garland made of wire between a couple cup hooks and viola!  These ornaments are lightweight, if you have heavier ones just make sure you use wire that will support them.

Vintage ornaments on a silver tray. 
These remind me of my grandma, my shop inspiration.

Lightbulb Parfait.
These came in another box lot of Christmas pretties.
Added to orphan stemware, they look good enough to eat!

However you decorate this season, I hope you have fun and use things that really mean something to you.


Elyse said...

hi marilee,

all clever & adorable ideas. this is the kind of decorating that i do -- lots of repurposing!

wishing you a lovely open house!


Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

Clever ideas, Marilee! I LOVE the ornaments in the window. ;) Hopefully I can visit tomorrow afternoon. I was at the village today taking photos (and my younger ones got to go on Sparky's Hayride with Santa... he was riding his tractor in circles around the parking lot). :>)

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful ideas! I too have been trying to re-purpose what I have this season...doesn't it feel good to create something new out of something that's been there all along? Love the ornies in the window, they are scrumptious!

Pearl Maple said...

Great fun in seeing how treasures can be re-purposed with an eye for style and a creative mind. Hope your open house is fabulous.

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

(Haven't uploaded the Sunday photos from my camera yet... the ones on my blog are still the pics from Sat. I'll send you all the photos I took at your place before posting any myself.) :)

Your shop looked BEAUTIFUL!!!!