Friday 17 December 2010


I walked out to my car this morning to find the windshield iced over and small snow-like dots on the hood.  I'm not sure it really counts, but it's sort of the first snow of the season.

The color attracts customers, I hope.
This chair is next to my shop sign.
I think I need to invest in marine paint if it's to survive the winter!

 Galvanized tub
with a couple inches of ice,
also next to shop sign at the road.

Frosty grass
This looks more like mornings in my LA valley suburb as a kid.
Hence, I didn't grow up with white Christmases.

 Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye, Vera-Ellen

Have a great day, snow or not!

Check back tomorrow for Pink Saturday's Holiday Music picks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that video, thanks for sharing! We're getting a few flakes here this morning, finally - love it!