Sunday, 23 October 2022

Journaling, Endings & Beginnings

I treated myself to the newest Antiquarian Sticker Book -- Imaginarium!

This page is the end of a journal I began in May.  While I was actively using it, I kept track of the inks I had in my fountain pens.  Now that I have no pages left, I say "thanks for the fish," and move on the the next journal.

I started journaling when, at 15, I took my first plane trip to visit my best friend.  I still have that journal, tho I've lost track of the number of journals I've kept since then.  A couple years ago I shredded about 10 journals.  They were a mess -- I'd only written in them to dump negative emotions.  My mom was difficult, marriage challenges, teenagers --  I'd never want my kids to read any of that, specially after I'm gone.  No regrets about the shredding at all!

But then I took this class with Susannah Conway and it changed the way I journal.  I still write when something's bothering me, but it's much harder to spew when I'm writing on a page with pretty images!

Inside front cover

This is my 4th journal since I started using this brand.

I used stickers, magazine pages, washi tape to decorate these beginning pages of my newest journal.  The journal cover is red, so I looked for images or embellished with red.

Next page

I have subscription boxes from Your Creative Studio and I'd seen a video recently by an artist who uses them to create small collages.  So with the addition of a few papers from France, I made the collage on the left.

You can see the contents of the box in the pictures above and below.

Inside back cover

This post is for my friends at Journal Love Club!  I'm hoping that my desire to include more than one photo in my posts to you will get me to blog again, cuz heaven knows I don't seem to do it for myself!


Claire said...

Hello, just popped over from the Journal Love Club :) Oh dear, another Antiquarian Sticker book.., I do LOVE them!! It hasn't come out in UK yet, so it's on my wishlist :D I miss blogging, but typing is getting harder these days (arthritis). Yes, there were so many mixed media artists bloggers back in the day, I do miss the sharing and sense of fun... Anyway, lovely to 'meet' you, Marilee :)

Woz said...

Oooo that Imaginarium sticker book! I have my eye on it now. :) Welcome back to the blogesphere!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pages. My pages are mostly written, but I'm starting to use more stickers and I'm building up to magazine cuttings!

Kate Davis said...

That last comment was from me, I didn't realise it was going to show as anonymous 🤦‍♀️

Rose Brier Studio said...

Thanks Kate, no worries.
And thanks ladies, you are keeping me going. :)